Water Capacity Management

Severe rainfall has replaced fire as the leading cause of damage to Canadian homes. Vulnerabilities in aging infrastructure, like sanitary and surface water systems, and growing urbanization can inhibit proper drainage and contribute to flooding. Bell’s water capacity management solutions use a combination of connected field sensors, sophisticated water system modelling and predictive analytics to actively monitor water system levels and forecast flooding events. Flood forecasting enables effective emergency response and remediation, reducing damage by up to 34%.
How your city can benefit from water capacity management solutions
Use cases
Why Bell is best for your city
Learn more about water capacity management from your Bell representative.
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Smart City Accelerator Program
Get your smart city solutions up and running in as little as 8 weeks with a complete and scalable program featuring a selection of smart city solutions and the Smart City platform, all on Canada’s best national network for IoT.
Water leak detection for cities
Bell’s water leak detection solution allows your city to accurately and remotely locate water leaks from mains and pipes, helping to reduce waste, control costs and enhance sustainability.
(1) Based on a third party score (Global Wireless Solutions OneScore™) calculated using wireless network testing in Canada against other wireless networks of combined data, voice, reliability and network coverage. See bell.ca/LTE for details.